Vsporyu mail as the paper Damn whistling arc. Flock will fall on the blade -- And fall apart on the fly. And all this, I do not f strong. In other, my destiny honored: I am God's truth has the And probity court. I - a sword. Glorified smith I love steel. Fire showing - my father. But Mother - the deep Earth. When words have been exhausted And there is no hope To understand who is right, who is to blame -- Ask me! I will reply. Surov my short sentence: The whole world is the price! Fire burns steel design -- Holy vyazi letter. I - a sword. Glorified smith I love steel. Fire showing - my father. But Mother - the deep Earth. The law of heaven and the earth Forever vplel of my temper ... And because my boss Unbeatable, as long as human. I - a sword. Glorified smith I love steel. Fire showing - my father. But Mother - the deep Earth.