Sadly.. I never understood things around me/ Never understood the inner till the hour found me deeper till i'm drifting slowly/ My mind and soul are lonely tried to listen what the preacher told me/ Pour me a drink please/ Make it double sir, yes i'm gonna tip you well/ Where heaven and earth, pleasure, hurt, and love meld/ Crazy talk? nah nah this is a old religion Fuck the plasma televsion All i want is clearer vision/ Yes i need somebody because the pain is open/ Pop only call when he need money chosen/ Grown man but i need another/ So got damn wheres my fucking brother, yes i miss my mother/ This is a old religion A deeper meaning and teaching/ My eyes are open thinking The feeling is just believing/ Adrift/ Like my relationship with others/ Never get it right i'm too selfish undercover/ Wanna change my ways but it takes a long time but at least i am aware its myself i wanna find/ Bring it to the upmost the strong will survive not the the strong in the arm but the strong of the mind/ Treat you how i treat myself yeah i know the golden rule But if i treat myself like shit/ What am i to do to you/ Treat you how i treat myself yeah i know the golden rule But if i treat myself like shit/ What am i to do to you/ Sitting by siddhartha by the edge of the river Listening eagerly to the voices the tide will deliver/ Seeing my love flowing by Dragon vein in the sky Where heaven and earth will meet Watching icarus fly/ Cycle of events Death and rebirth Yin and yang is circling verse Born of dust return to the dirt So what is it now Yes the world suffused with sound Tune the earth till utopia found Fuck the pretense and fuck the fakeness I see you like a ghost right through and changing faces/ Double speak all the time and your message ain't clear The real reason that you talk ain't a blessing endeared We search space looking for life but can't even help the lives of those that hurting right here/ (here) So turn to soul searching The inner universes The span of god encompass the wonderful reverses The hurt is urgent insurgents are sitting in ya churches Emotional terrorists holding all the good for ransom/ Life is ugly so is death handsome?/ God is cruel so the fire burning Is this the higher purpose? I just can never get it Self became religion Wealth the circumcision Greed the proposition Watch it on television Muslim vs the christian Fact and superstition We talk but never listen/ I like to think we human but some of the things we doing/ In the name of higher Power blood and fire Sitting by siddhartha by the edge of the river Listening eagerly to the voices the tide will deliver/ Seeing my love flowing by Dragon vein in the sky Where heaven and earth will meet Watching icarus fly/ Cycle of events Death and rebirth Yin and yang is circling verse Born of dust return to the dirt So what is it now Yes the world suffused with sound Tune the earth till utopia found