Were these desert landscapes used to meet the sky Shallow marshes far as reached the eagle's eye The purest dark essence had risen from sleep once again Filling the valiant hearts of impious men It is whispered of a hellish apparition in the night A gruesome yet compelling and demonic spectre of light Again it chose these lands to rise from memory forth Where numerous witches burnt for praising Satan Lord "Gij die draagt dit ketters duivelsmerk zijt Nu reeds spoedigh des last'raars zonden bevrijd Op desen dagh te sterven, teruggekeert tot zand Afgekapt de rechter handt, geworght ende verbrand Een ziel weder rein, als den dood is uw deel Zij dit uw vonnis, gij heks van de Peel" Where thousands burnt to repent their blasphemous sins We commemorate those that swore revenge ever since Our warcry will resound in eternity and time As we cleanse the southern lands of the filthy christrian tribe Were these desert landscapes meet the sky Shallow marshes far to reach the eagle's eye Their souls are long perished but never forgotten We still sense a presence which echoes around us