Be all you can be In the U.S. Army I want to kill Hut two three four An ounce of oil for twenty bodies more Direct orders from an alcoholic crackhead piece of shit Who's never fucking fought a day in a war Bag 10,000 fragile corpses more No mercy given to the women and children If the government tells you to kill it's not a sin President Pinocchio apocalypse at the tip of his nose Listen to me fucking listen to me Open up your eyes to the prophesies This Howdy Doody dumbfuck dictator has come To spill his ignorance upon the Earth The great apocalypse has begun No way to escape his puppet show of death The hills are alive Lit up by nuclear skies Yet still the truth is denied No more fucking lies President Pinocchio apocalypse at the tip of his nose Hip hip hooray for President Pinocchio When the world's engulfed in flames We must find a way to escape The hills are alive Lit up by nuclear skies Yet still the murdering swine Has taken control of your mind.