Bathing in flames The stink of burning flesh I shit my trousers what did you expect A Hershey's stream of pain peanuts and corn galore Mr. Peanut Orville Redenbacher have declared a war Ernie Keebler sucks the E.L. Fudge from my asshole Dips Dunkaroos into the sludge Pillsbury Doughboy sits between my cinnabuns He pokes and prods and waits for Nestle Quick to come Snap crackle pop inside my pants I feel my Grapenuts start to do a little dance Then I hear the words of my fate Tony the Tiger screaming "They're great" Silly rabbit Trix are for kids Now I'm being punished for being so selfish If I could start again I would eat my Wheaties like Michael Jordan There's a fantasy inside my ass Familiar characters from my childhood past This is not a bad acid trip this is Hell's kitchen La puta de Chiquita Banana corta su cabeza The Chiquita banana bitch chops off your head It's crazy it's bad it's not good The Twinkie cowboy steals the cream filling from my cock The Jolly Green Giant smashes my balls like two peas in a pod Oscar Mayer makes a bologna sandwich from the shriveled remains And feeds it to the Devil Dogs Charlie the Tuna with his Starkist tuna lid Goes to cut my ass cheek gets the taint of my balls instead The Hamburger Helper glove tugs and rips off my cock Puts it in a box of Fruity Pebbles now a prize in Bedrock Aunt Jemima pone siropa caliente encima de su bolso de bolas Aunt Jemima puts hot syrup on your ball bag I'm shitting a rainbow of color La cocina del Diablo Necesito un Pudding Pop en el culo Viva por Telemundo Necesito un Slush Puppy en los testiculos.