The fry kids and the chicken nugget buddies arteries clogged with shit that looks like Silly Putty and then there's Grimace morbidly obese dead overdose quarter pounders with cheese the Hamburglar serving twenty-five to life for stealing all the burgers for killing Mac Tonight Captain Crook no one knows him anyway on a desert island with his fish filets what a shame Ronald McDonald where is your magic a public sex offender now never ever trust a clown two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun recipe for suicide over a billion mealworms served crawling through your intestines headed towards your golden arch the Happy Meal makes us giggle and laugh until the real prize comes storming out of your ass Big Mac and Mayor McCheese sharing a life where mayo flows frequently then there's Birdie works for Weight Watchers now became a Hindu now she's worshipping cows the Happy Meal makes us giggle and laugh until the mealworm comes poking out of your ass you are what you eat you're gonna die what ever happened to the movie cups the pizza the hot dogs the Arch Deluxe drinking a milkshake makes my head implode the Egg McMuffin makes my bowels explode we're gonna break into your corporate mansion built on blood and greasy fries slit your throat crush your skull make all the others watch you die fuck McDonald's fuck Burger King fuck Wendy's fuck Taco Bell fuck your over processed grade F mutated meat you're gonna burn in hell you are what you eat tortured and denied.