Signs revealing our destiny are shown as you might see. Providing life beyond your eyes they're coming fast, you must believe. Codes engraved into the earth foretelling war, there's wrath with us. Blinded foolish human race... The curtain fell. Can you see them clear? They live among us, right now in here, strange new life forms will bring us peace. Cosmic neightbours we can't see preparing landing to set us free. Hear the message, break the chains, unleash the power of your brain. Superior creatures, developed minds, our spirits will be cured of crimes. Another world reveal us the truth so there is no more delusion, no more tears or grieve. We'll be free. Looking at the fallen stars an enclosed future's what we've seen. They come to show us the real way to break our chains and get new strenght. Another world is right here strange life forms have brought us peace. Cosmic neughtbours we can't see preparing landing to set us free Another world reveal us the truth so there is no more delusion, no more tears or grieve. We'll be another world with new mindal conclusoins so there is no ignorance or sleeping minds now We are free!