Seven supreme minds rule the universe, master spirits source of life and death. Power deictators lead the paradise and give power to the spheres of life. A story began in a little place. Urantia, the name of the chosen feld. A plan has been set to create new minds, it's up to you if you want to see... Born in a place far beyond where mankind was foretold while the adjusters of God were creating their sons. Evolving since them, dying as we were born, our birth came along with pain we are enders of our fate. Planned since light-years ago with no ways to escape, no chance for regrets from your little and silly brain you just won't understand. And the sons of the stars will meet the sons of men; from a seventh universe our mission has been set. And our new fate, It's carved out of stone... "We have a new beginning, our minds will be reborn". Fight -their strenght is our powerful fear, that will vanish if we want to kill all the greed they have brought us to die-. Our slavery is the price you will pay, fight back tears, feeling your freedom again. Kill, search, learn, do, open your eyes to be free! In the dark surrounding we will see that light that shines. Through our world of madness we will rise and fight again. We have sold our fate and we will have to accept that a new strange life form then will come to clear the way. An order from above invites us to wake up again. Waking up we are forgetting and forgiving our past. A rotten past. Hey, hear our call and see them fall Watch them die... The chosen ones who ruled this world corrupted by lies. Nothing will stop us now! Forget the sorrows ther brought to life! And the sons of the stars will meet the sons of men; from a seventh universe pur mission has been set. And our new fate, ot's carved out of stone... "We have a new beginning, our minds will be reborn". The crimes of our past will be erased someday, then our minds unleash its power and will clear our way. Sons of the seventh star we are.