Slow bending of this world Seeing the face behind the mask Total cleansing of blood Falling of crowns Beast claws deprive my role In the grey I loose myself I don't fear the vultures They hunt for the carcass of lies Different spaces One object Perception From the skies Presentation Of reflection Destruction Of the holy The books of false law burn When predators start their chant Fulfilment in chaos Fulfilment in a black dream Last one dying of this hall Feeling the grief in his heart I laugh when I rip my eyes Blind lead the way to the source Of wisdom... eternal... Of wisdom... eternal... Different spaces One object Perception From the skies Presentation Of reflection Destruction Of the holy Fiery wings Rise the dust Shattered vision Tells the truth It gives the weapon Against the lies Of the god The absolute... Twisting the knife of truth Twisting the knife of truth Twisting the knife... Twisting the knife of truth I leave my life behind I don't gaze to the living Gloomy funeral sceneries Overwhelm in my eyes