Nemo nisi ambo esto, in aeternum, mea lux Tempus autem citum fuget, nos valere iubet Dusk emerges slowly in azure shades From the depths of the ground The time has come my precious love To say farewell to you The night falls and the waters rise A silent whisper in the winds Spirits of the forest grant me the strength I need to bear this pain i feel The trees shiver in the dark Solemn a nightowl is soaring Dance for me for the last time Tonight when nature is calling A bed of moss to lie down and die No words to bid a final farewell My precious love you can't deny Your eyes won't see another dawn Nemo nisi... Close your eyes my precious one Taking your last breath As this is your final farewell As this is your death Dusk emerges... A bed of moss... Nemo nisi... Close your eyes...