Cinnamon Candy


Cinnamon Candy

The night is so cold without you by my side
wish I could hug you
warm me up with you
feel hers warm lips on my mouth
and her sweet face in my lap

I just wish I could give you a kiss
Looking into her beautiful eyes and say
good night
know, you do a lot missing here
I just wish I could tell you:
I love you

The night would be so nice if I could have by my side
wanted to sleep on your side
see me with you forever
feel the happiest person in the world
and feel your heart beat at the same pace as my

I just wish I could give you a kiss
Looking into her beautiful eyes and say
good night
know, you do a lot missing here
I just wish I could tell you:
I love you

then wake up at night and feel your beautiful face
'd be seeing you at my side for hours
without saying a word
but I say now, I miss you

But I know that soon I can do this
and look deep into your eyes and see your soul
then I'll say goodnight.