
Sleep Walking


It all falls down, they say
When you bank on it being a bad day
It's never harder than you let it be
Although, I find it easier to disagree
It all falls down, they say
Living a full life, but only halfway

If I've learned one thing, it'd be this
That dreaming's only dreaming
If you're not afraid to miss
But I'm sleep walking
I'm sleep walking so

Help me, I can't stop, I can't go
Like an out of water torpedo
Something's breaking
And I don't know what to do
But what I do know is that I need you to

Help me, I can't stop, I can't go
Like an out of water torpedo
Something breaking
And I don't know what to do
Am I breaking down
Or am I breaking through?

I've been thinking about the years to come
Because I haven't liked this one that much
A million doors and every one's been shut
Don't you tell me everything's okay

Cuz I'm not even listening to you anyway
I know I've said a lot of things in my past
But thoughts and feelings oh, they never last
I'm sorry for the way I treated you
I rarely know what to do
Cuz it all falls down, it's true
That statement is long overdue

It's not a bad thing, just an observation
Hosted by my mind, I'm guilty by association
It all falls down, I know
So just sit back and enjoy the show
Nothing to do but accept and allow
What goes up will always fall down
Every now and then

All my time seems to bend
And it feels like sleep walking
Will never be my friend
Every now and then
All my days feel like they're all the same
Because I am sleep walking
Just the same as yesterday

So help me, I can't stop, I can't go
Like an out of water torpedo
Something's breaking
And I don't know what to do
But what I do know is that I need you to

So help me, I can't stop, I can't go
Like an out of water torpedo
Something's breaking
And I don't know what to do
But what I do know is that I need you to

Help me, I can't stop, I can't go
Like an out of water torpedo
Something breaking
And I don't know what to do
Am I breaking down
Or am I breaking through?