
100 Foxes


It’s never how it seems
I’m sure you know what I mean
There’s always something more
Behind unopened doors

You find yourself unsure
Of anything that occurs
Am I wrong to say
That I feel things goin’ the wrong way?

Don’t say you’re falling down again
But if you do, I’ll pick you up, my friend

100 foxes on fire
Couldn’t bring you down
One honest mistake or lie
Wouldn’t take your crown

Dead or alive
You know you'd try to do the right thing
Dead or alive
You know you'd try

When times of need
Are soaked into the fabric of your days
And the stream of your veins
Only heartache remains

I can see in your eyes
As you catastrophize
Every little thing

Don’t say you’re falling down again
But if you do, I’ll pick you up, my friend

100 foxes on fire
Couldn’t bring you down
One honest mistake or lie
Wouldn’t take your crown

Dead or alive
You know you'd try to do the right thing
Dead or alive
You know you'd try