Cilla Black

Surround Yourself With Sorrow

Cilla Black

Watch the water falling down 
Falling down outside your head 
You do your best to turn the tide 
But can't forget ev'rythin' he said 
The pressure's getting far too great 
The word together came too late 

What do you do when your love breaks up 
Do you fall apart like a butter cup 
Forget about tomorrow 
Surround yourself with sorrow 
What do you do when your love breaks up 
Do you fall apart like a butter cup 
Forget about tomorrow 
Surround yourself with sorrow 

Watch the water falling down * 
Like a neon in your head 
The neon's flashing off and on 
Recalling ev'rything he said 
You've lost the fight for love today 
Your dreams are shattered, thrown away 

What do you do when your love breaks up 
Do you fall apart like a butter cup 
Forget about tomorrow 
Surround yourself with sorrow 
What do you do when your love breaks up 
Do you fall apart like a butter cup 
Forget about tomorrow 
Surround yourself with sorrow ....