Cidade Verde Sounds System

Help From Above

Cidade Verde Sounds System

A man needs help from above
To make his thing get along
A man needs help from the lord
To make his thing get along

So we a fi give jah di thanks and pray, and we a go burn them down
So we a fi give jah di thanks i say, and we a go move move on

Selassie say fi work, so we follow this words all the time
A hard working day a new purpose to lifein each and every way, and any job realize
Go on, find a way, get the weapon to fightyou got to live it up and do your best with it
Praise the almighty gives you strength to beat it
No man is an island, better know this true teaching
So you learn then you grow then you get what you need

So we a fi put hands together i say, reason to worry at all
So we a fi put hands together and pray, deh pon the mountain top

A man needs help from aboveto make his thing get along
A man needs help from the lord
To make his thing get along

So we a fi give jah di thanks and pray, and we a go burn them down
So we a fi give jah di thanks i say, and we a go move move on

selassie say fi work, so we follow this words all the time
A hard working day a new purpose to lifein each and every way, and any job realize
Go on, find a way, get the weapon to fightyou got to live it up and do your best with it
Praise the almighty gives you strength to beat it
No man is an island, better know this true teaching
So you learn then you grow then you get what you need

So we a fi put hands together i say, reason to worry at all
So we a fi put hands together and pray, deh pon the mountain top

A man needs help from above
To make his thing get alonga man needs help from the lord
To make his thing get along

So we a fi give jah di thanks and pray, and we a go burn them down
So we a fi give jah di thanks i say, and we a go move move on