Bussin' God, y u let the devil produce kokain, it's seduced my friends brain's I hope u can C, I kan not let this be It's time 4 me 2 step up I ask all 2 understand im bekum'in uh man So it's time 4 me 2 rise & clear these Lies Kokain, uh product of the devil It seeps in my friends brain's, make's em' feel level God, Alleviate Lucifer's hate & inaugurate my pear's clean slate This Kokain' explains Y this pain remains God, my Unique Soul's conflicted for my Dawg'z R addicted Lord, 4 the life of me, I kan not C, Y u don't notice The devil's got they life in that strife & there's no bliss Well this man wont take-it Show me that thing, Ill brake-it Here me lord, no more, I DON'T GIVE UH FUK Im fed up, please lord C that my friends R stuk Jesus Christ, pick em' up Fuk the lies & Madness These R desperate cries from Sadness SOON, 1 by 1 my friends turn to the gun, BOOM Now u kan find this Souljer on the boulder stare'in 2 the moon God I kan't understand why kain's on this land I ask all 2 perceive my art Kokain's uh produkt of the devils deceitful heart At the start I didn't know yayo would rip life's apart I would have stopped them then, b4 it dropped 4 men Kokain, put out from Lucifer's lust Listen, as I Bust these absurd words my cheek's glisten Emotion's Hard 2 speak, tears fallin' down my cheek Dear god, please lord, My spirit feel's week These Here Tears aint madness im writen Kokain aint no game 4 my friends, there soul's R fighten' Y u depressed, when I ask that they blast bak Please, holy spirit, no lies, these my cry's kan u hear it 2 those who left take uh deep breath bekuz u escaped death Things turned bad bak here & Lord knows I aint shed my last tear I pray every night for the next day 2 B light But for them, my dear friends, the kain's in they brain & it's dark Left uh gaping hole in they intricate soul I kant do no more, 2 many life's R tore Last night I was kryin' & my tears reached the floor My essence was dyin, flyin' out the door I love my friends oh so Much But they have my deepest trust so I must not speak Just watch em' fall deeper each week God, the stake's kokain creates bekum'z steeper each week I want 2 ask them 2 stop the emotional violence But it's un-fair, lord I swear my soul's been silenced So I pray 4 u 2 help them get through what the kokain's about 2 do When the clock strikes 11 and they soul's lifted 2 heaven Judge them not as if they were addict's Please c that was just they mind's habit Understand - these boy's never became uh man Please Lord watch over my friends I now give my beloved krew up to u Peace & luv