They say since my birth I been tha worst kid Labeled tha fable of tha kursed kid Kame out tha whom & whut I first did was begin skreamin' 1st thot 2drop was uh chubby kid dreamin' Steady skeamin' on dreams of luxury No, no hugs 4me - at tha age of 5years parents & peers judgin' me So now chubz may be lost 2tha tymes But understand tha man in my mind Perhaps tha collapse of my sanity was tha dreams Pain upon my brain changed my game - so it seems Now dreams of regimes that scream my name Be in my view Reality's that no souls uh pal 2me Still I live thru Be true 2yourself & in tha end receive tha klaim Please believe tha game told from me Understand tha meaning of misery &realize how good bein uh kid kan Be Glance at this lyfe & whut it did 2me - then u will C All along - b4 your very eyes Was a prince but now he's gone - How he strategized Was audacious Tha hate amongst his fate - how'd he escape this My chest took on uh freight train at full speed & didn't kave My stress 50tymes made pain yet Godspeed chose me2 save So I state these modern day prophecy's in desperate hopes That all start 2komprhend uh friends heart break- So young soul how kould it B that im still alive Strived 2survive out tha 8-0-5 yet I arrive 2die Stare 2tha moon kuz oh so soon you'll perceive That from tha start my hearts uh heart 2believe Young lady I C ya standin' there Batter'd & bruised - no doubt thru out u skared Let it B known I kare when u upon despair Baby gurl this such uh krazy world yet kant 4gEt 2keep that head up If u led up they'll C ya weakness so gurl stay strong Whut those ho's chose 2say bout u was way wrong Whut they don't C is ya misery & days as uh child Just beat by ya pops &4 weeks it didn't stop - so smile U don't & I know why but please C Lyfe done teased me - lived negative & sleazy But I made it thru & baby boo u kan 2 So take my hand & feel my plan C this man & I truly kan raise u up Once was stuk but enoughs enough Might B tuff but since u worth tha stars let me brake tha bars All out there in such despair just klutch tha air & take uh deep breath Hopes 4better days R left & this earths uh beautiful place Every sunset envision gods grace But 2win all must begin 2first Komprehend uh friends heart