Speech: "Let us welcome ourselves to this important inquiry. All of you have traveled a long and sometimes painful journey to reach such a point of investigation. Some of you, perhaps, come here today for religious truths, elightenment or self-satisfying spiritual egoisms, like all those choices of Christians and magical nonsenses you can buy at any so-called spiritual supermarket. If you are here for the bufoonery, the sport, the entertainment of new age, you are in a sick and diseased affair of your humanity.A prison, neurotical, repetitive, wobbly, drizzly condition. Fizzled. Here to study the problem of human, to question what do we mean to love? With all moralistic and religious entrapments allows a technologically advanced condition that serves only to feed our misery and sufferings. To love is to despise. We love our gods, Buddhas, gurus, thus we separate and compare--compare with others in conflict. So, when we love in this way, it is to conquer others. Conquer with war. Genetic wars. Bio-biological wars. Wars that cause sufferings--immense sufferings in children, creating various forms of infections, fungal or otherwise horrible. We commit to marriage for the sake of this condition, love. You say, what a beautiful, extraordinary being--our partners, our husbands, wives, lovers, etc.etc... AT first, young, full of genetic biological yearnings, transformed to pleasure and lust. The primitive call of our reproductive possession has become, by influence of culture and so called knowledge, we call love. Ask yourself, would you still love your wife if she has become victim of serious afflictions that could affect her beautifully extraordinary body? This sport of love, this entertainment of love, is fear. Fear of dying. Dying alone in the sewers where only the rats spend with you your last hours, eating away as you pass on.