Christiano Calego

Bones In The Closet

Christiano Calego

And chaos came as torrential storm.
And here I am in my coverage seeing
All the angels, demons and soul fall
Here one can see me cry my selfish tears
Thinking of thousand ways to make you sweat
While the world ends, we will dance, smiling and toasting.

And chaos came as storm.
And here I am seeing in my cover all angels and demons fall.
The past is a waste of time
The present is boring and the future who knows?
Please do not condemn me
For being so arrogant and fickle
I'm just a child who does not want
To take the mask! I know halloween is over
Sweet was fake.
And what else were the antics
And the bones in the closet.

And the chaos came as storm
And here seeing in my cover
All kings and nations fall
Darkness comes claim your place at my side.
I think of a thousand ways
I will love you make you sweat, while the world falls in ruins
Let’s dance, laugh and toast the end!
Please do not condemn me
For being so arrogant and fickle
I'm just a murderer

Who does not want to take the mask!
I know halloween is over. Sweet was fake.
And what else were the antics and the bones in the closet.