Someday I'll fix my shoes For somebody else to use When I can touch their face And stay in the same place But I'm terrified I won't I was raised over the phone Your word was a wave then Endlessly breaking I'm a chip off the old block 'Cause I'm all talk I'm pretty busy So please forgive me If I forget to Not forgive you The way that I see it You're no longer needed And if I'm not mistaken Your ship never came in, did it? I'm a chip off the old block 'Cause I'm all talk But I will no longer grieve for you When I have to see you It's no use denyin' You belong to the dyin' And I couldn't care less Life's just a real slow death Yep, that's what I was taught Okay, so I care a lot I'm a chip off the old block 'Cause I'm all talk I'm a chip off the old block 'Cause I'm all talk 'Cause I'm all talk 'Cause I'm all talk