I remember it like it was yesterday I was a drug addicted youth, a marijuana dealer, a runaway, a rebel It was the darkest time in my life But I loved reggae and loved to sing songs about Jehovah (Jah) I was open to the Bible to an extent But I just didn’t vibe with church and I definitely didn’t like Christians They seemed so fake with their happy-happy-joy-joy songs and their plastic smiles To be honest, I just didn’t get it Because I knew what was best for me – or at least I thought I did Until I met this cool guy named Marcus He was so much like me and we connected As we shared stories about his drug past and my drug present But the more that I got to know him The more I realized that though we had so much in common in the past Our lives where headed in two entirely different directions You see mine was a dead-end street, but his had a future and a hope I just couldn't put my finger on it So one day I asked him: What’s the difference between you and I? I'll never forget his response He said four simple words that would forever change the trajectory of my life The love of God, he replied He had found what I had been missing! He had received God's love, His grace, His forgiveness And he was forever transformed by it It’s hard to explain but that simple answer Regarding the hope that he had within Literally sparked a revolution within me And just two weeks after truly surrendering my life to Christ, I started Christafari And I’d never be the same again, forever changed by the Love of Jah