I purge the ghastly contents of your fearsome jehovah And split open his worm eaten skull Gaze at the crucifix what do you see? Pallid incompetance hanging on a tree Every lie has its own established throne Psalms and revelations cut them out like cancer Vomit forth the laws of ancient necromancers Enochian tongues Oh holy one of the world We offer you this child for strength and power in your name satan. we dedicate this virgin of god and make her holy by...fornication molestation incest cannabalism torture suicide A child six months of age lies dying before us Shemhamforash!!! hail satanas!!! invoke!!! I must destroy to create my own debaucheral savagery By the four beasts befor the throne i swear this hence forth to be Within this circle scorned in blood I promise the death of all thats loved Enochian tongues (enochian language) Ilsa micalazoda ola pireta ialpereji beliore das odo!!! Das odo busadire oiad ouoaresa caosago!!!caosago!!! (english) Oh thou mighty light and burning flame of comfort That unveilest the glory of satan The glory of satan to the center of the earth!!! To the center of the earth!!