Chris Whitley


Chris Whitley

Upon a paper bed 
within a red and sweating room 
I take a vow 
when you allow me to 

I want to lay right here 
till we awaken somewhere else 
all unafraid 
only naked as yourself 

The distance disappears 
how far? Faith of pioneers 

Sense in the things you say 
scent of the way you're made 
I was made to bow 
if you allow me to 

I want to lay right here 
till you're afraid 
of nothing no more 
not even your name 
only as naked as you are 

Velocity reveals 
how far? The faith of pioneers 
will you fade at the frontiers? 

Upon an endless bed 
we could awaken somewhere far 
as you could lead 
God speed your sleeping car 
faith of pioneers how far? 
would you fade at the frontiers?