Chris Tomlin

My Soul Magnifies The Lord

Chris Tomlin

Tom: G

Intro: G C G C 

Verse 1:
G                                      C2 
Good news of great joy for every woman, every man 
G                                C2 
This will be a sign to you a baby born in Bethlehem 
D                                             C 
Come and worship. Do not be afraid 
Verse 2:
G                                C2 
A company of angels. Glory in the highest. 
        G                               C2 
And on the Earth peace among those of whom His favor rests 
D                                       C 
Come and worship. Do not be afraid
G                                       D 
My soul, my soul magnifies the Lord. 
My soul magnifies the Lord! 
      Am      G/B 
He has done great things for me. 
               C                D
Great things for me 

Verse 2:
G                               C2 
Unto you a child is born. Unto us a Son is given. 
G                                               C2 
Let every heart prepare His throne. Let every nation under Heaven 
D                                       C 
Come and worship. Do not be afraid. 

G                                               Am 
Of His government there will be no end. He'll establish it with His righteousness 
G/B                                              C 
And He shall reign on David's throne. And His name shall be from this day on: 
D                       Am                               G/B                    C 
Wonderful, Counselor. And His name shall be: Everlasting Father Oh yeah!