Once given over to evil a heart so cold and deceitful Lost and fallen, fallen Fallen in the ways of the world A slave to all kinds of pleasure Yet all the while in the desert Thirsty and hungry for you Longing for a new rebirth CHORUS: Now I'm saved Never to be lost again Now I'm saved Saved in the end By the Lord of all The holy one My one and only True and faithful friend My eyes were eyes disillusioned I walked the streets of confusion Drifting in an aimless life A broken life no life at all Who can redeem this sinner This angry child This beginner To the ways of Love unfailing These heights I'm scaling To be with you CHORUS: Now I'm saved Never to be lost again Now I'm saved Saved in the end By the Lord of all The holy one My one and only True and faithful friend BRIDGE: Come all you captives Be set free By the Holy Prince of Peace Shelter from the enemy He will save you Save me Save you Save Let all this fear fall away now It surely is a new day now Rise up - and look on high Redemption - Draweth Nigh CHORUS: Now we're saved Never to be lost again Now we're saved By the Lord True and faithful friend Now we're saved Never to be lost again Now we're saved saved saved........