She is cloaked in morning's darkness Magdalena Now running to the tomb Her heart is so consumed The stone is rolled away Wherein lies my master The one who brought to me such life Can you tell me why you're weeping, magdalena? Have they taken him away? Is he not in the grave? Tell me who you're seeking, magdalena? The one that they have crucified Woman where's your faith now Start believing Remember what he said He'd come back from the dead He'd never leave you or forsake you Do you believe that he's the lord? Why would you seek, as you do, The living among the dead? He is not here, now do not fear Believe what he has said Do you seek the man of sorrows, magdalena? Then look into my eyes, and see that he's alive The spotless lamb of god now and forever The holy one of israel Say to them That i am Risen and alive Victorious the lord and christ God's begotten son Can you tell me why you're weeping, magdalena? Have they taken him away? Is he not in the grave? I am the one you're seeking, magdalena I'm the resurection and the life