True value, true thank you For helping me dig this grave Weaned on it, raised for it Parents i scrimped and saved Rough times for the rest But lackey, we've got it made Bed down in your movie, your life Let the critics rave I'm here to quell your fears Done with your salad years That's me the bitch around here More useful now beaten down Turn that frown upside down I'm redeemed! Bitch of the year. I hope god will forgive me I think that he should I've had dozens of chances And I fuck up real good. I wrote letters to jesus And then to myself I had high balls with santa And sex with his elves So much for salad days I'm on the bitch parade. X4 **1st verse** I was the rockstar that never got popular You missed me Cause I wasn't here So goodbye to sex all day, Binge drinking, special K I'm sorry I thought that was clear I had lunch with my boss Who I'm plotting to kill I would leer at his wife but he's footing the bill I'm the handsomest lamprey With best sucking skill I have leeches for friends Here's to "keeping it real" So much for salad days I'm on the bitch parade. X2 Michael was spreading The news of his wedding And somebody else got a house. so sing them a serenade congrats boy you've got it made I'm off this bitch parade now