Give my regards to the atom smashers The king of all monsters and the man of tomorrow Give my best to the plantation masters And the captain of the industry Kiss for me sweet Virginia, hold for me Miss America And give my love to the Statue of Liberty Give my regards to the nuclear family The five-percent nation and the Salvation Army Give my best to the wizards of Wall Street And the dragons of KKK Kiss for me Hitler and Tojo Hold for me Dorothy and Toto And give my love to all these statues of bigortry Tell my eyes I will miss them Tell my hands I forgive them And tell my heart My heart's coming with me Give my regards to the suicide bomber The patriot actor and the trust fund folk singer Give my best to the corporate rock soldier And the Gitmo softball team Kiss for me the heavy-handed metaphor Hold for me the self-referential troubadour And give my love to all my brothers And sisters in mediocrity Tell my eyes I will miss them Tell my hands I forgive them And tell my heart My heart's coming with me