Tom: D A I grew up here where there aint much blacktop, G D The headlights on the interstate dont stop. A Any man worth his weight plows a straight row, G D And all the money is the grain in the silo. A Theres just enough home grown pretty girls, G D Growin up around here that like to sip cold beer. A Its a blink and you miss it kinda town, G* The kind of place that makes the world go round. A My wheels have rolled all this red dirt, G D My hands have got scars from the hard work. A Me and my friends unwind on the outskirts, G D Our Friday nights might get a little black and blue. A Im out here ridin high on a lift kit, G D I see the world through a crack where a rock hit. A I am who I am, I do what I do, G* D* Lookin at life from a broken windshield view. A G D A A truck beds got a half roll of barbed wire, G D A bail of hay and a patched up spare tire. A Cross on a chain hangin from a rear view, G D Fifth in a brown paper sack packing 80 proof. A A sun droppin off into that cornfield, G D Thunderhead lightning comin right behind it. A These two lane roads aint paved in gold, G* Man flying gravels all I know. A My wheels have rolled all this red dirt, G D My hands have got scars from the hard work. A Me and my friends unwind on the outskirts, G D Our Friday nights might get a little black and blue. A Im out here ridin high on a lift kit, G D I see the world through a crack where a rock hit. A I am who I am, I do what I do, G D Lookin at life from a broken windshield view. A G D Yeah, cmon A G D A Yeah its just a blink and you miss it kind of town, G* D* The kind of place that makes the world go round. A My wheels have rolled all this red dirt, G D My hands have got scars from the hard work. A Me and my friends unwind on the outskirts, G D Our Friday nights might get a little black and blue. A Im out here ridin high on a lift kit, G D I see the world through a crack where a rock hit. A I am who I am, I do what I do, G D Lookin at life from a broken windshield view. A I am who I am, I do what I do, G* D* Lookin at life from a broken windshield view. A G D From a broken windshield view A G D Yeah A G D