Chris Duke and the Royals

If I Was a Jedi

Chris Duke and the Royals

If I was a jedi,
My name would be duke skywalker.
And while I couldn't fly,
I'd move inanimate objects with my mind power.
If I were a famous cricket guy,
My name would be sachin ten-dekers.
My team, my family,
We would excel in the death overs.

And I would rather be,
Any of them than me.
The puns in my last name are a bit of fun,
But by no means a necessity.

If I was a melon,
There's no way you'd throw away the ceeds.
Recommend planting them,
And cultivating me as a new species.
And then audio medium,
Must definitely by a cee dee.
Too small for a record,
But not compressed enough for an mp3.

And I would rather be,
Any of them than me.
The puns in my last name are a bit of fun,
But by no means a necessity.

If I were a movie or a pub,
Dukes of hazard, dukes of windsor.
If I were a subway sub,
I'd be less than a six inch.
If I were a party drug,
I'd simply be known as 'd'.
But that's my father's nickname,
I wont take it,
He might get shitty.