


1. Blind in water, seeking out embers.
Glass hands grip his hair, aquatic
flames consume his speech. 2. Red
purified in rubber aqueducts. It remains
undone. 3. We stand watching the grin-
ing corpse gleaming in white space.
He screams beyond us. "I'm not here".

1. "Illusions of darkness and vast halls of
pain. I've cast off delusions, my
body remains. 2. The pulse of your
poison which keeps life intact can blind
me no longer to that which is sane.
3. Our hopeless confusion enshrouded in
sweet works, the lies of existence that
help us to live. The mindless delusions
of social convention atrophies life force
along with our souls."

1. Ever falling from the vision.
Embracing the warm, dry mouth. He
cries no more, but dances. 2. Here no
more. Bound no more. Void the dust.