Lies equal destruction Greed and your eviction Yer living the laws (6x) Blind exploitation Sublime elimination Beside myself, i'm all alone... the lights are on but no ones home. Your history, laws and policies, y'know they never meant that much to me. I know it isn't much, i know its all we had... and now it's all spoiled and bad. In everyday theres hell to pay, And all i see is wasting away. Facade is sick beneth Crass smile with rotted teeth Living the laws Living the laws Living the lice Living the laws Beside myself, i'm all alone... the lights are on but no ones home. Your history, laws and policies, y'know they never meant that much to me. I know it isn't much, i know its all we had... and now it's all spoiled and bad. In everyday theres hell to pay, And all i see is wasting away. Now you have nothing Now your worth nothing (yer) living the laws Living the laws Living the lies Living the laws