Chipset Zero


Chipset Zero

I like you 
But I wanna kick your ass 
Perfect show 
I wanna see your face in the shit 

I wanna fuck a racist 
I wanna rape your mind 
I wanna blow up your mind 
I wanna rape your mind 

Pow... Pow.. 
So his mind blows 
pow... pow... 
there's no brain 

You are a lie 
So many people die 
You are lie 
So many children die 
You are lie 

Feel the pain 'cos you like that 

Riot girls sucks 
White and black power sucks 
Racism sucks 
Nazism fuck it.. 
Oh shit 

Stryck-9 feel 
Stryck-9 kill 
Stryck-9 suck 
Stryck-9 fuck 
Fell the pain ...
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