Children of the Beast

Wasting Love

Children of the Beast

Maybe one day I'll be an honest man
Up to now I'm doing the best I can
Long roads, long days, of sunrise, to sunset
Sunrise to sunset

Dream on brothers, while you can
Dream on sisters, I hope you find the one
All of our lives, covered up quickly
By the tides of time

Spend your days full of emptiness
Spend your years full of loneliness
Wasting love, in a desperate caress
Rolling shadows of nights

Dream on brothers, while you can
Dream on sisters, I hope you find the one
All of our lives, covered up quickly
By the tides of time

Sands are flowing and the lines
Are in your hand
In your eyes I see the hunger, and the
Desperate cry that tears the night

Spend your days full of emptiness
Spend your years full of loneliness
Wasting love, in a desperate caress
Rolling shadows of nights

After Solo

Spend your days full of emptiness
Spend your years full of loneliness
Wasting love, in a desperate caress
Rolling shadows of nights

Spend your days full of emptiness
Spend your years full of loneliness
Wasting love, in a desperate caress
Rolling shadows of nights

Talvez um dia eu serei um homem honesto
Até agora estou fazendo o melhor que eu posso
Longas estradas, longos dias, do nascer ao por do sol
Nascer ao por do sol

Sonhe, irmão, enquanto você pode
Sonhe, irmã, eu espero que você encontre aquele
Todas nossas vidas cobertas pelas areias do tempo

Gaste seus dias cheios de vazio
Gaste seus anos cheios de solidão
Desperdiçando amor numa carícia desesperada
Sombras rodopiantes de noites

Os momentos passam e as linhas estão em sua mão
Em seus olhos eu vejo o desejo
E o grito desesperado que rasga a noite.