My heart was warm with family love, as I slipped into a chair Beside my Uncle John my daughters 'cross the table there I'd walked the docks in misty rain; a pain was in my legs But I'd seen the dream of kinsmen in the boats of Killybegs The ban'er of my Uncle and my daughters filled the air And the Donegalers next to us were glad that we were there I was kind of quite listening out the window ledge For the music of the harbour, the birds of Killybegs Down the coast not far was Galway, and (planned) the joys from Connemara After supper and a sleep, we would be going there tomorra' I worried if my words would there sung by Irishmen Or right here on the docks, like the fish of Killybegs A radio was playin' though we never heard a word For the rhythm of the music was familiar if absurd A harkening intensity for silence did I beg Oh what a song was playing in the air of Killybegs I couldn't quite believe it for it sounded rather strange The instruments were different and the key it had been changed I reached to turn the volume up, then tears on my legs A girl from Tipperary sang my song in Killybegs