Roxie: Me and my baby My baby and me We're 'bout as happy As babies can be What if I find That I'm caught in a storm? I don't care My baby's there And baby's bound to keep me warm We're sticking together And ain't we got fun So much together You'd count us as one Tell old man, worry, to go climb a tree 'Cause I've got my baby My sweet little baby Look at my baby and me Mary Sunshine: I don't see how you could possibly delay the trial another second, Mr. Flynn. My readers wouldn't stand for it. The poor child! To have her baby born in a jail! Billy: I can assure you she'll come to trial at the earliest possible moment. And you can quote me on that. Amos: Hey, everybody. I'm the father! I'm the father! All: Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! Yuk! Roxie: Looka my baby My baby and me A dream of a duo Now, don't you agree? Why keep it mum When there's nothing to hide? And what I feel I must reveal Is more than I can keep inside Let me assure you It won't go away I can assure you It grows every day I was a one once But now I'm a "we" 'Cause I got my baby My dear little baby Look at my baby and me Matron: I think it's sweet. First time we ever had one of our girls knocked up. Billy: I've got it and it's brilliant. I'm gonna get Amos to divorce you. That way all the sympathy will go to you - not him. You'll be the poor, little deserted mother-to-be and that crumb is running out on you. Amos: That's my kid! That's my kid! Roxie and Boys: Looka my baby My baby and me Facing the world Optimistically Nothing can stop us So nobody try 'Cause baby's rough And full of stuff And incidentally, so am I! (Baby dance break.) Get out of our way, folks And give us some room Watch how we bubble And blossom and bloom Life was a prison But we got the key Me and my baby My dear little baby My cute little baby My sweet little baby My fat little baby My soft little baby My pink little baby My bald little baby Looka, my baby and me