Prayer will fix it Every time Prayer will fix it Every time Make your position Whatever's on your mind Prayer will fix it every time You're broken hearted and you're troubled in mind (ahh-ooo) You're circumstances have you caught in a bind (ooo) Just give it over to the power divine because All: Prayer will fix it every time You looked around and all your friends were gone (ahh-ooo) I know someone that you can call on (ooo) His name is Jesus he'll never leave you alone All: Prayer will fix it every time Coda: Prayer will fix it Prayer, prayer, will fix it every time Prayer ***Prayer will fix it When all your money is gone and the bills are due I know the lord will take care of you When doctors have thrown up their hands I know prayer will give you a second chance I know prayer will Prayer will fix it every time yes it will Prayer will fix it every time I know, I know, I know, I know prayer ***Prayer Prayer Oh prayer Prayer will Yes it will Prayer will Yes it will Fix it every time Yes prayer I know it will Will fix it every time When your money's gone prayer will fix it every time ***Yes prayer Prayer Oh prayer Prayer Prayer of the righteous Availeth Much I know prayer Prayer will Yes it will Prayer Prayer Pray, don't stop praying Don't stop prayer Pray In the morning Pray in the noonday Pray In the evening Pray Pray