THANK YA"LL VERY MUCH! OK DALLAS I WANNA PLAY YA"LL A SONG NOW THAT UH I GOTTA SAY ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS I"VE EVER RECORDED FOR A LOT OF REASONS IT PAINTS THE PERFECT PICTURE OF WHAT IT WAS LIKE GROWING UP IN THE COUNTRY IN EAST TENNESSEE IT WAS NO DIFFERENT FROM ME ITS CALLED BACK WHERE I COME FROM I HOPE YA"LL ENJOY THIS! in the town where i was raised the clock ticks and the cattle graze and time passed with amazing grace back where i come from you could lie on a river bank paint your name on a water tank miss count all the beers you drank back where i come from back where i come from where i'll be when its said and done im proud as any one thats where i come from we learned in a sunday school who made the sunshine through i know who made the moon shine too back where i come from blue eyes on a saturday night tan legs in the broad day light tv's they were black and white back where i come from back where i come from where i'll be when its said and done im proud as anyone thats where i come from some say its a backwards place narrow minds on the narrow ways but i make it a point to say thats where i come from thats where i come from where i'll be when its said and done im proud as anyone thats where i come from thats where i come from im an old tennesseean im proud as anyone thats where i come from back where i come from back where i come from back where i come from WE SURE DO LOVE YA"LL THANK YOU! OH YA!