Pouring the tea with a limb Broken clean in the struggle Too fair an age For this war that we wage in the rubble A tender old tyrant To fend off the dawn as we sleep late And end up here punchline That falls to the floor like a dead weight Tides will turn And in time I'll learn to love What only a mother could Only a mother could Black broken no joke Go twos on the last smoking show me A night laced with lies That could cradle the cries of the lonely Tides will turn And in time I'll learn to love What only a mother could Only a mother could Like a hound dog that's tailing its prey Like a night that dissolves into day I will conquer every heartbeat on the way The tip of your tongue seemed to promise Some fresh pearl of wisdom Try as I might boy You keep them hidden depths well hidden Tides will turn And in time I'll learn to love What only a mother could Only a mother could What only a mother could Only a mother Only a mother Only a mother Only a mother