Charlles Wesley

A Charge To Keep I Have

Charlles Wesley

Tom: C

A charge to keep I have,
  D7           G
A God to glori-fy,
C             F       C
A never dying soul to save,
G   C   F  G   G7  C
And fit it for the sky.

[Verse 2]
To serve the present age,
  D7          G
My calling to ful-fill;
C               F         C
O may it all my pow'rs en-gage
G  C  F  G   G7    C
To do my Mas-ter's will!

[Verse 3]
Arm me with jealous care,
   D7              G
As in Thy sight to live,
C                    F     C
And now Thy servant, Lord, pre-pare,
G C      F  G     G7 C
A strict ac-count to give!

[Verse 4]
Help me to watch and pray,
    D7            G
And on Thyself re-ly.
C               F        C
Assured if I my trust be-tray,
G C     F   G   G7 C
I shall for-ev -er die.