Charlie Rich

Golden Slipper Rose

Charlie Rich

Now mama wore those skin tight dresses all the time
She worked at the Golden Slipper Cafe every night
But mama loved me and sister and we both loved her so
But everyone called mama  Golden Slipper Rose

Now mama drank and mama laughed and danced all night
She made us go to school both taught us wrong from right
And tucked us in with a kiss each night and loved and watched us grow
Still everyone called mama  Golden Slipper Rose

Looked up to by some and looked down on by many
Loved by just a few so her life goes
Still everyone called mama  Golden Slipper Rose

Now the preacher reads a line that fits mama like a glove
He said a woman like this woman was born to be loved
And as they close the lid on mama's life and the town looks down its nose
Heaven waits to welcome home  Golden Slipper Rose
Heaven waits to welcome home  Golden Slipper Rose