BRIDGE: Well if this old fiddle could talk If this old fiddle could sing Man if this old fiddle could only talk It could tell you some wondrous things Talk to me fiddle Tell me about when you came across the sea In the hands of a jewish immigrant who was longing to be free And you were part of his life for forty years Through times both lean and fat And he raised his family and lived out his days In a New York tenement flat Talk to me fiddle Tell me about how that cajun fiddlin' man Found you in a pawn shop and took you back down To the Louisiana bayou land You knew his wife and you knew his kids And you watched his family grow And you played your heart out caju'n style At the Louisiana Fais Do Do Well talk to me fiddle Then a big shot yankee gambler found you down in New Orleans And took you up the river on the Mississippi Queen Then there came the day that you were all That he had left to lose And a black man won you in a poker game And taught you how to play the blues Talk to me fiddle Then a hobo from Biloxi found you living in the rain And he got himself a free ride on a west-bound cattle train And you got off in Texas Where they play that western swing Where the people do the two-step And old Bob Wills was the king Talk to me fiddle You've been bouncing around America from sea to shining sea Now your traveling days are over fiddle 'cause you belong to me