Was in the month of May 2003, when the Bhoys in green were on their way to Spain Mums and Dads bhoys and ghirls, Granddads Grannies buckets spades, beach balls lilos all came out to play (Chorus) We all had a party Seville - olé, with the Glasgow Celtic green and white brigade We all had a party Seville - olé, we were singing Glasgow Celtic all the way Eighty thousand Celtic fans banners hats and beer cans, singing laughing dancing every day Sleeping rough on the beach sharing flats with smelly feet, banners draped from every balcony chorus In the park on Tuesday night one 100 degrees it was alright, Charlie & the Bhoys we rocked the town With fifteen thousand revelers clapping hands stamping feet, they never let the mad heat get us down chorus Up the road the next day the music carried on in Spain, such a sight Seville has never seen Come on the Hoops was the cry and o' boy did we comply, we turned that town into a sea of green chorus They were watching Easterners and we were on a bender, we're still spending Euros and they're no I only wish the score was right most of us we cried that night, but the Glasgow Celtic still put on a show chorus