Charlie and The Bhoys

Raised on Celtic

Charlie and The Bhoys

(chorus)   I was raised on Celtic, their history and their pride
With my culture and my faith, I wear the green & white.

I have travelled the path where generations walked
And read of legends who played at Celtic park
I have tasted victory with this famous club
And drowned my sorrows in many an Irish pub

And I walk with pride down Parkhead's way
And with my Fathers ghost I sit and watch the Celtic play
I am such a lucky man today to be brought up in this world the Celtic way


Now you've heard about the four leaf clover 
The one that's on the Celtic crest
Cause it means so much to a Celtic fan 
every time you pull it over your head

The first leaf is for brother Walfrid
The guardian of Celtic men
He fed the poor of Irish stock in Glasgow's old east end


The second leaf is for big Jock Stein
He took the Glasgow Celtic up
To face the mighty of Europe 
And we won the European cup

The third leaf is for the Celtic fans
With the passion in our eyes
Cause we've grown up with all the memories underneath a Celtic sky


The forth leaf is for our children
And memories that we will pass on
With our music and stories we will carry on the Celtic bond

Then they can tell their children
All the things that they have learned
Cause just like us they're the lucky ones to be brought up a Celtic fan
