We seek him here we seek him there never to find is very rare you can go to any single country in the world and you'll find Dedicated followers of Celtic. Yes you can look, in Dublin town Australia too or County Down the Timaloy is found in every street in every town cause he's a Dedicated follower of Celtic. Oh yes he is (Oh yes he is) Oh yes he is (Oh yes he is) County Clare to Singapore or China America or Canada you'll find him he'll never hide his colours cause these colours they don't run and he's a Dedicated follower of Celtic. Oh yes he is (Oh yes he is) Oh yes he is (Oh yes he is) In Germany or Holland and in Norway in all the towns like Donegal or Marseille Glasgow town is where he's bound to watch the famous hoops cause he's a Dedicated follower of Celtic. Throughout the years, we've had our times 9 in a row, with Buckfast Wine 1967 is the year we all love best cause we are Dedicated followers of Celtic. The greatest team, we've ever seen The Lisbon Lions with big Jock Stein now a new millennium with Martin on the throne and he's a Dedicated follower of Celtic. Oh yes he is (Oh yes he is) Oh yes he is (Oh yes he is) We seek him here we seek him there never to find is very rare you can go to any single country in the world and you'll find Dedicated followers of Celtic