Tom: Am Q S Q S Q Q Q Q Q .C Q SB E|------------------------------------|-----------------| B|------------------------------------|-----------------| G|------------------------------------|-----------------| D|-2---2--2---2---4---5---4---2---0___| _h_2-----0_h_2---| A|-2---2--2---2---4---5---4---2---0___| _h_2-----0_h_2---| E|-0---0--0---0---2---3---2---0---0---|---0-----0---0---| Q = quaver S = semiquaer C = crotchec SB = semibreve . = dotted note E F# G F# E Esus4 E From the valley of death they come ahhhh-ohhmmm E F# G F# E Esus4 E Fall is brighter than the sun ahhhh-ohhmmm Am can you see the gravestones Bm far much better than slavestone E F# G F# E Esus4 E failure with the poison whip ahhhh-ohhmmm E F# G F# E Esus4 E sung it with the devil son ahhhh-ohhmmm Am can you hear the fires roar Bm standing outside the devils door G A B no wrong, no wrong, come along E F# G F# E Esus4 E Living with the stakes I see ahhhh-ohhmmm E F# G F# E Esus4 E devils breath in-side of me ahhhh-ohhmmm Am demons in the sand Bm fingers on devil mans hand G A B no wrong, no wrong, come along Em talking with the preacher just the other day, what did he say x3 Am said the cities are at war Bm and he wont be coming round your door no more G A B looking for the man, look for the man ahhh-ohhmmm