I was lost at sea, water all aorund Not a life in sight, just the same old sound Of the swells drifting under the lumber I was clinging to My time was over. I was surely done for. Then I saw the Lord coming right for me On a rescure mission, could it really be? That He wants to forgive me and give me eternal life secure? He made the offer. it's what I had hoped for. And then he said, He said to me I'll be the lifeline you can cling to The hope that you can hold to The love that you can look for when you're drifting away I'll be the faith that you can stand on The Rock that you can build on I'm the one who'll make you whole I'm the anchor for your soul People telling me my story's just a tale That every way is different and everyone must fail And succeed in their own way, that one way is surely not the truth But I feel I must tell them, I really fell I gotta tell them That I was lost at sea and the Lord saved me He gave me life, now all I want to be Is a vessel of freedom to anyone who comes my way Oh, I'll lead them to Jesus, I want to lead them to Jesus Because He said, He said to me Repeat Chorus