Charles Billingsley

Remember Me

Charles Billingsley

The murdered Son of God, nailed blameless to a tree,
Was centered on Golgotha, placed between two thieves.
One thief cursed and challenged Him, to save Himself and them.
For he, like all the others, was blinded by his sin.
But the other thief was broken. He trusted and believed,
As painfully he found the words to breathe remember me.

Remember me, when You go home to Your kingdom.
Remember me, when You leave Your cross for freedom.
And though my body's trapped beside You, my heart kneels at Your feet,
For I know You are the only one who can fill my greatest need.

Remember me, remember me, when You enter in the gates of paradise,
Remember me, remember me, when You leave Your suffering body
And retain the crown of life, I realize that You are the Christ.
So Lord, remember me in paradise.

Remember me, although I'm poor and needy.
Remember me, even though I've failed You deeply.
I'm just as much in need of You as the thief upon his cross.
So I offer up myself to You. My gains are now Your loss
Salvation is free, for He remembered me.