Charles Billingsley

Linger No Longer

Charles Billingsley

The time is at hand, God's given the plan,
To carry His light to a lost, hungry land.
We must understand, with His help we can
Put hope in the hearts of every man.

It's a commandment you see, to both you and me,
To cover the world with the gospel completely.
God really needs somebody to lead,
In reaping the harvest and planting the seed!

Linger no longer to live for the Lord,
Or wait here and wonder if we can afford
To build ourselves stronger with all our rewards
While a world has been crying, and still is ignored.

When will we give them the love Jesus gave away,
And offer life to the dying, instead of just waiting
For some kind of situation to come around in our work and play
We've got to be building relations with people every, every day.
It doesn't matter their creed or color, their occupation or their Name.
They need the love of the almighty Savoir.
I think it's time somebody say

Linger no longer today!
It's us His is sending. On us he's depending,
To go to the uttermost parts, and preach to the willing.
His Word will defend Him, so let's stop pretending
It's the missionary's job. We've got to go, instead of sending.