Anywhere I stare, girls are always there in plenty Nearly fully bloomed, curly and perfumed and scenty And I get as high as I did when I was twenty You carry me away, women of today In their denim jeans, to the tv screen they glue me Thoughts of ev'ry kind, in my dreamy mind pursue me Can't they realise how their pretty eyes undo me You're more than I can say, women of today I'm completely attracted, it's true But what does it take to make it with you Back in sixty-two, all we had to do was flatter With a little wine and a little line of chatter But to modern birds, all the charming words don't matter Oh, teach me what to say, women of today Since the world began, woman was for man created She may treat him rough, he may feel he's suffocated Still he takes the knocks, like a fool intoxicated You hold us in your sway, women of today Walking down the street, good enough to eat, she thrills me In a passing crowd, arrogant and proud, she chills me Lying on the beach, just beyond my reach, it kills me Near, yet so far away, women of today You take your independence with ease But I'm on my knees, oh, liberate me, please Out of Adam's rib you have won your liberation But you can't destroy that old girl meets boy vibration Any guys's a nut who denies that gut sensation You take my breath away, women of today